Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own

Ladda Ner Egomaniac By Vi Keeland Pdf Ebook

Genre : Modern ,Böcker ,Romantik

A sexy new standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.  <br>
The night I met Drew Jagger, he’d just broken into my new Park Avenue office. <br>
I dialed 9-1-1 before proceeding to attack him with my fancy new Krav Maga skills. <br>
He quickly restrained me, then chuckled, finding my attempted assault amusing.   <br>
Of course, my intruder had to be arrogant. <br>
Only, turned out, he wasn’t an intruder at all.   <br>
Drew was the rightful occupant of my new office.  He’d been on vacation while his posh space was renovated. <br>
Which was how a scammer got away with leasing me office space that wasn’t really available for rent.   <br>
I was swindled out of ten grand. <br>
The next day, after hours at the police station, Drew took pity on me and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.  In exchange for answering his phones while his secretary was out, he’d let me stay until I found a new place. <br>
I probably should have acted grateful and kept my mouth shut when I overheard the advice he was spewing to his clients.  But I couldn’t help giving him a piece of my mind.  <br>
I never expected my body to react every time we argued.  Especially when that was all we seemed to be able to do. <br>
The two of us were complete opposites. Drew was a bitter, angry, gorgeous-as-all-hell, destroyer of relationships.  And my job was to help people save their marriages.  <br>
The only thing the two of us had in common was the space we were sharing.   <br>
And an attraction that was getting harder to deny by the day. <br>




Love love love


True Keeland

Takes a good woman to love a randy man.

interested participant

Darling and Intriguing Book

Well-written, strong characters both believable and sympathetic, delightful dialogue, funny and sad moments just like life...


Hilariously funny!

LOVED this book, giggled all the way through it! Steamy and funny and sweet and sassy!


Love this couple

Loved the give and take between the main characters. Who wouldn’t desire Drew in your bedroom and what child wouldn’t want him as their daddy? Sweet romance that ends well.

Tyler Pdfsgjk

so sweet

love this book, had me laughing and rooting for drew!! definitely recommend



Really enjoyed the story. Liked the humor and back and forth banter between Drew and Emerie. But didn’t like the use of money to solve everything.



God this author does it again me. This book was so good and made me laugh


Another great read!

I loved it!


Worth reading

My first time to read Vi Keeland’s and I must say the story did not disappoint. Sweet characters and some funny moments too.❤️


Her best book

Hands down the best book in this genre I’ve read so far. The author just has the perfect combo of humor, spark, sexy, and HOT. Need more books with chemistry like this!!


A Must Read

Drew is a divorce attorney whose ex and clients have both taught him and reaffirmed that love doesn’t last, it always leaves. He’s all for the no strings one night stands that have been his standard since his divorce. And then he meets Emerie, and her beautiful assets, breaking into his newly renovated office. Emerie, a marriage and family counselor, is straight out Oklahoma. She’s just moved to NYC to see what could happen with the man she’s been pining for for the last three years and to open her practice. She can’t believe the deal that she got for office space on Park Avenue—$10,000! Turns out that it was too good to be true as she comes face to face with the true owner of the space—a gorgeous egomaniac. A funny, hot, heart warming and excellent read!


Soooo Good!!

4.5☆ I really liked Egomaniac! It was highly entertaining and really interesting. Emerie and Drew are great main characters. They're interactions with each other are great, especially their first meeting. I liked how their relationship progressed and got to be where it did by the end. Drew's past chapters gave more insight into why he is the way he is now. He has a rough past and I feel bad for what he went through and everything he has to go through with Alexa now. Beck is so cute! Drew's relationship with him is wonderful. Parts of the book may have made me mad, but it made it interesting. The epilogue was the perfect way to end the book!



Great read funny tearful enjoyable made you wanting more!


Great read!

Loved it! It’s been a while since I read one his good.



The NMommy is one very happy n


Fantastic read

If you are looking for a book with Sizzling chemistry and a touch of humor, then EgoManiac is definitely the one for you. It is quite a page turner. Drew and Emerie are the perfect example of opposites attract. There is never a dull moment with these two. At times it was laugh out funny. Emerie was no pushover. She held her ground and stood up for what she believed to be true. Drew was cocky and arrogant and it was wonderful to see him totally transformed into sweet and considerate whenever it came to dealing with Emerie. it was sweet and romantic. This was a FANTASTIC read!! Did I mention amazing chemistry? Yes along side the awesome storyline, there were hot and steamy scenes that will leave you wanting for more. I really enjoyed this story. It had fully developed characters, with a great plot and nonstop drama. As always Vi Keeland didn't disappoint; she delivers. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yes!

Another great one from Vi! I could not put this down! Loved it!


Loved it!

Great read sweet and sexy a must! ❤️


Great Read...

As always, Vi doesn't disappoint. I look forward to reading her books because the characters are so real. I can make connections to my real life. This book is no different. I was so upset when the book ended. I need more!



You never disappoint!


So so

Not bad but do I really want 2 b in the mind of a lawyer?


Easy read

Good, fun read


Review: Egomaniac

Egomaniac by Vi Keeland is a standalone romance told in dual POV between two of my favorite characters to date. Emerie is the Psychologist and marriage counselor to Drew's jaded divorce attorney. In this case - opposites really do attract! There hasn't been a book Vi Keeland has written that I haven't adored. She is up there with my favorite authors and definitely a must-read for me. I truly feel like with relationships and people in general some people just click and for me some writers just click. Their writing style, the stories they tell, the characters they create - click, click, click!!! Emerie is a strong female in a bad spot and the typically jaded and closed off Drew pretty much comes to her rescue. In the end they end up rescuing each other and making each other better. From the best meet-cute yet, to the journey they both take to get their happily ever after, this book is a gem. Enjoy!


Had to write a review for this one!!

Oh my!! So hot, romantic, funny and well written. I was Drooling over Drew throughout this whole awesome book.

Page turner can't stop


I LOVED this book! Very well written and it left me unable to put it down. One of my new favorite authors.


"How do I apply for the job?"

One word. Delicious. No wait. How about yummy? That's not right. That's the same as delicious. Maybe really enjoyable? No that 2 words. Maybe all of them put together? Ok. In all seriousness...this was a great, wonderful and captivating read. It was funny. It was sensual. It was witty. The drama was just right. Not over the top. I really liked Drew in the beginning. Then he was a huge jerk. Then he ended up growing on me. Then I didn't like him again. I liked Emerie through the entire journey. I loved their relationship. What they were fighting for. Why/how they ended up together. Drew redeemed himself; so I ended up liking him again. He was more book husband material than a book boyfriend. You'll have to read to understand. This was a roller coaster ride. Make sure your seat belt is fastened. It gets bumpy. But so worth the ride! Once I started I couldn't put it down. I'd highly recommend.


Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST!

Yet another example of why Vi is one of THE BEST! I loved everything about this book and read 99% of the thing in one sitting. The thing I love the most about Vi's writing is how real her characters are. They act, talk and think like real people do. This book was no exception. When something was bothering Emerie, she said so. When Drew became completely overwhelmed in the beautiful epilogue, he acted the way a real-life man would act. Emerie and Drew's initial meeting was so...unusual. I was intrigued and eager to see how it would play out. And, true to form, Vi didn't disappoint. An element was added to the story that, to me, I usually try to avoid when selecting my romances. (Trying not to spoil anything!) But Vi incorporated this element perfectly, and it actually added a great deal to the storyline, and I loved it. Funny-at-times dialogue, weird happenstances and smoking hot love scenes all mixed together perfectly to create this amazing contemporary romance that I will, no doubt, be reading again and again! Bottom line, I will read ANYTHING written by Vi Keeland! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

Janet Reads Books

Sexy romantic comedy & an emotional love story. Best of 2017.

I am still smiling like a loon after finishing Egomaniac hours ago– it’s a sublimely satisfying romance that hits all the right spots. From the first page, Vi Keeland hooks the reader with heartfelt comedy, emotional storytelling and simmering sexual chemistry. It’s only January, but Egomaniac is already marked for my Best of 2017 list. Emerie Rose is an Oklahoma girl who recently moved to New York City and just got conned. She leased the perfect Park Avenue office space for her marriage therapy practice, but her landlord wasn’t the landlord and didn’t have any right to rent out the space. He took her $10,000 in cash and now Emerie is out her savings and staring into the sexy eyes of her office’s rightful owner – Drew Jagger. Drew returned from a two-week vacation to discover he has a beautiful squatter. He’s a cynical divorce attorney but he’s not so mean to as kick a girl when she’s down, especially one as unassumingly sexy as Emerie, and he offers to temporarily share his office until she can find another one. Even though their jobs put them at cross purposes – she’s working to keep marriages together and he’s taking them apart – these office mates work great next to each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy is too tame a word – Drew and Emerie have unrestrained fun together and are fiercely attracted to each other. The sexual tension between them intensifies with each therapy session completed and divorce settlement negotiated, and both consider taking their relationship from the office to the bedroom. If Egomaniac sounds like fun, sexy times - it is. But it’s SO much more. Between Emerie and Drew’s witty banter, Kindle-fogging sexual interludes and amusing antics, Vi Keeland weaves a touching story that gives this romance a complexity and depth that will resonate. If there were Oscars for romance novels, Drew would get my nomination for Best Hero in a Contemporary Romance. He’s a little bit alpha-male and a little bit dirty-talking bad boy with a lot of hidden unpretentious, compassionate man underneath it all. There is not anything simple about Egomaniac – except it is simply a wonderful book. ARC provided by the author’s publicist, but no one made me write this review and my opinions are honest and my own


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